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Supporting the work and maintenance of St Lawrence & St Saviour

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

[2 Corinthians 9:7]


A growing parish with an ambitious future


For nearly one thousand years this parish has served our community, making Christ known to our neighbours, baptising new believers, marrying lovers, and burying the dead. Our worship is deeply reverent, and our pulpits boldly proclaim God's message of salvation for all who repent and believe. 


 It costs £2500 per week for our two churches to offer all they do for our community. Sadly the Covid 19 pandemic has decimated our finances. Like so many churches, our survival is dependent upon the generosity of members of the parish and our visitors to whom we are grateful for whatever they can afford to give.  Please consider gift aiding donations so we can reclaim the tax. For assistance please contact the parish office or fill out the enquiry form below. 


Ways you can donate:


In Person

In services we offer a traditional collection during the service as well as a Tap & Pay card reader for those preferring cashless offerings. Please fill out the gift aid envelops available.



Regular donations can be made by Standing Order obtained from the church office or by email


One off donation can be made by Sum up using this link

 or via BACCS (please insure you identify you gift with your name and let us know you are making it):

St Lawrence Chobham and Valley End Central Fund

Account Number 40816019

Sort Code 20-02-53


Take the annual pledge

Every year we invite parishioners to make a financial pledge to the work of our two churches. This will be a special service of praise and thanks giving for all God is planning to do amongst us.


Leave a legacy

Would you be willing to remember us in your will? A major source of funding for churches down the centuries and still today, is money left to parishes through legacies. Your legacy will mean that long after your life is over, you will still be contributing to the ministry and upkeep of our two beautiful historic buildings.


Free will writing


The Church of England has partnered with Farewill to offer a free online will writing service. This is a service for free will-writing with no obligation to leave a gift to the local Church and is suitable for most wills. If your situation is complicated it may be advisable to consult a solicitor. Please find link below




​For parish safeguarding enquiries and reporting  ONLY please contact

Sandra Reid

07969 742854


For diocesan safeguarding enquires and reporting please contact the

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor

Jackie Broadfoot

07918 559 387


St Lawrence
St Saviour 


Parish Administrator

Sammy Lomath-Carey

Parish Administrator

St Lawrence & St Saviour

Parish Office

Chobham High St,

Chobham, Surrey,

GU24 8AA

Tel. 01276 856976

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