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"The generous person will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."


[Proverbs 11:25]



There are many things to get involved in thanks to the faith, skills and commitment of so many members of our congregation. . We are a growing church which comes with exciting challenges. We do a lot but there is much more we want to do. Might God be calling you?


Whether you are looking for a ministry to serve you, or to serve as a volunteer , there will be something for you to be part of in our parish. 

Our Ministries

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Families & Children

Raising new generation in the family of the church is a great joy and there is much we currently offer.

Parent and Toddler Group Thursdays at 09:30-11:00am

10:30 Sunday Service creche 

Children's choir 17:30-18:20 in church (we encourage the use of musical instruments our children are learning).

Services involving children during the year e.g the Christmas Crib Services

We are working on establishing a Sunday school for  3-7 year olds during Sunday morning services


Both our churches are beautiful buildings to be married in. But a church wedding is a journey towards God and we look forward to taking this journey with couples who approach us for a wedding. Please scroll to the bottom and fill out the "contact us" form including your home address and hit "submit." We will send you our wedding booklet, and come along to church on Sunday so we can get to know you


The liturgy of “Prayers of Love and Faith” are not offered in our parish.  Please contact the office of the Bishop of Guildford if you require more information.


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Children's choir is on Thursdays at 17:30 in St. Lawrence followed by the adult choir at 18:30 which children are welcome to stay on for. 


Baptism (often called a Christening) is the sacrament of initiation into the Christian life when big promises are made to God to serve him and join the community of the church in regular worship. Please fill out the "contact us" form below, and include your address so we can send you our baptism booklet explaining the process required before a service can be offered. Please note that we do not offer dates on first contact as it requires preparation and discernment of candidates before the sacrament is offered. The best thing to do is to begin coming to church and start getting involved.


Hall bookings

Our church hall is available for hire for a small charge for community events and children's parties.  Please complete the "contact us" box at the bottom of this page, and include your contact details.

Hearing Clinic

Held on the second Tuesday of the month between 10:00-12:00 in the parish hall. NHS Hearing aids can be serviced, batteries replaced and advice given. Please contact Glenis Nay for more information: 


Hearing Aid

​For parish safeguarding enquiries and reporting  ONLY please contact

Sandra Reid

07969 742854


For diocesan safeguarding enquires and reporting please contact the

Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor

Jackie Broadfoot

07918 559 387


St Lawrence
St Saviour 


Parish Administrator

Sammy Lomath-Carey

Parish Administrator

St Lawrence & St Saviour

Parish Office

Chobham High St,

Chobham, Surrey,

GU24 8AA

Tel. 01276 856976

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